Assessment & Rating and Compliance support
Looking to maintain legal compliance and deliver high-quality care in your established childcare service? Platinum Education offers Assessment and Rating and compliance support, including QIP development, to guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for your interest in our Assessment and Rating and compliance services for childcare services. At Platinum Education Group, we understand that maintaining compliance with regulations and delivering high-quality care can be a challenging task for childcare services. That's why we offer a range of services to support them in their efforts to meet and exceed industry standards.
Some of the key services we offer include:
Full Day Audit Support Visit:
Our Full Day Audit is a comprehensive assessment that covers all 7 quality areas of a childcare service, including safety and hygiene, staff qualifications, program planning, and more. The audit typically takes a full day to complete, and we require access to relevant documents and information such as policies, procedures, and staff qualifications. Our assessors will conduct interviews with staff and observe their interactions with children to gain a comprehensive understanding of the service's operations. After the assessment is completed, we provide a detailed report that includes recommendations for improvement and support to help the service meet all necessary regulations.
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Compliance Spot Check:
Our Compliance Spot Check is a shorter, focused assessment that helps childcare services stay on top of their compliance between full audits. We'll review a specific area of the service, such as documentation or risk management, to ensure everything is up to date and meets requirements. This assessment typically takes a few hours to complete, and we provide feedback and recommendations for improvement after the assessment is completed.
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QIP/Self Assessment Support:
Our QIP/Self-Assessment Support services are designed to help childcare services develop and maintain a quality improvement plan that reflects the needs of their service and meets industry standards. We provide expert guidance and support to ensure the plan is effective and meaningful. We work closely with the service to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies to achieve their goals. We also provide ongoing support to monitor progress and ensure the plan is being implemented effectively. We measure the effectiveness of the plan by tracking progress against the service's goals and providing regular feedback and support.
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At Platinum Education Group, we are committed to supporting childcare services in their efforts to deliver high-quality care and maintain compliance with regulations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you and your service.