Platinum Education Group Presents
Smash Your Self Assessment
in 10 Days or Less!
a 100 page printable to get you started today

"Each service must demonstrate that they have an effective self assessment and quality improvement process in place."
Element 7.2.1 of the National Quality Standards - Continuous Improvement
What's included in the 100 Page Guide?

Step by Step Instructions to get your Self Assessment done and dusted in 10 days or Less!

44 Examples of Exceeding Key Practice Statements

Printable letters and templates to use with your parents, colleagues and stakeholders
Self Assessment gives approved providers an informed picture of current practice, and the quality of education and care experienced by children and families attending the service. Our 100 page guide, details how to confidently complete your self-assessment in 10 days or less.
What to expect:
Gain a clear understanding of how to identify and demonstrate your evidence and key practices from EVERY element of the National Quality Standards. This includes evidence that the Assessor want to sight.
Examples of Exceeding Key Practice Statements including teachable moments, foundational social interactions, critical reflection with Educational Leaders and more.
Printable templates for obtaining valuable input from stakeholders including Feedback. This includes letters for the team and families as part of the Quality Improvement Program (QIP).
Timelines and real world examples to help deepen your understanding easily tie your Centre's practices to NQS guidelines.
Save yourself time, energy and stress and get it right the first time!
Get all this and more for only $69!
About The Founder: Leeza Browne

My name is Leeza Browne and I am the visionary owner and Educational Leader of Platinum Education Group. I have over a decade of experience in managing corporate, not for profit and other privately owned organisations within the early childhood sector and we are in the business of helping Approved Providers create high performing services.
Platinum Education provides training and support for new and existing childcare owners and their teams. We also a Present with the Australian Child Care Alliance and advise on several government sub-committees.
We love helping those around us become the absolute best they can be by sharing over a decade of tools, knowledge and systems to move your service from purely surviving to thriving in today's tough market.
You don’t have to be on this journey alone. You will immediately be part of a community that is invested in your success as much as you are!